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Video Display Options Based on Collections
Video Display Options Based on Collections

Choose how you wish your videos to display on your website. Select formats to suit your videos, collection types, and website locations.

Jess avatar
Written by Jess
Updated over a week ago

With our video display options, you can tailor the appearance and layout of your videos to suit the type of videos and collections, their placement on the website, and the desired user experience.

These display options will allow you to post a single video or collections of videos in a variety of formats. This is managed via the Collections that you create on Ghost.

To embed individual videos directly onto your websites with a simple snippet, check out our Single Video Player format. Click here to learn more.

Getting Started

1. Navigate to the Collections page on your Ghost Admin Dashboard.

2. Select or create the video collection you wish to add to your website.

3. From the individual video collection's page, select 'Add to Site.' Doing so will present you with the display options to choose from.

4. Once you have chosen your display option, select 'Continue.' You will be presented first with the Ghost Core Script and prompted to add this to your website header to use Ghost Videos.

If you have already done this, you may skip this step.

5. Next, you will be provided with a snippet for your chosen to display type. You can embed this globally across your website by adding it to the website header or embed your videos on specific pages.

Once the snippet has been added to site, your collection will display accordingly. Any updates to this collection from the Admin Dashboard will occur automatically on your website.


Every collection can be used in all formats at the same time. For example, if you wanted to add your 'New Arrivals' collection as both a widget and carousel to your website, you have the ability to do so.

For more information on how to add interactive videos to your website based on your platform, click here.

Available Display Options

  • Carousel

  • Widget

  • Inline

Adding a Carousel Display

A carousel consists of multiple videos strung together - but your audience can choose which exact video they want to watch first. Once they’ve selected a video, they can swipe (on mobile) or click (on desktop) to get to the next video.

Carousels are helpful because you can put some strategic thought into what videos go together and where they are displayed across your website.

Once implemented on your website, the Carousel will automatically display any new videos you create and add to that collection from the Ghost Admin Dashboard, as well as remove videos that are deleted.

To learn more about how to use the carousel display type, click here.

Adding a Widget Display

Grab viewer attention and make your videos accessible as viewers navigate your website with a floating video widget.

Embed your widget display snippet globally across your website to give audiences access to your interactive videos at any time in their browsing journey, or embed specific video messages on certain pages.

Clicking into the video widget will open the video player.

To learn more about how to use the widget display type, click here.

Adding an Inline Display

The inline video display gives your more flexibility to incorporate interactive videos based on the layout of your desired webpage. Your videos will display on your chosen page without having to open the video player and users can easily navigate through the videos using the arrows.

The first video in the collection will play on a loop until a user clicks on the arrows to navigate the rest of the video content.

Inline video displays are a great way to feature interactive content on product pages, category pages, your homepage, or anywhere you wish your videos to be featured!

To learn more about how to use the inline display type, click here.

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