Navigate to and sign in.
2. From the Videos page, create or edit a Video.
3. From the Video editing page, once you have completed your video creation, click "Save."
4. From the left-hand navigation menu, go to Collections.
5. Click "Add to Site" to select your Display Type, then click "Continue."
6. Copy the Core Script.
7. In a separate tab, navigate to and log-in to your site.
8. Once logged in, navigate to Online Store > Themes > Three Dot Menu > Edit Code.
9. Navigate to Layout > theme.liquid and paste the Core Script between the <HEAD></HEAD> tags.
10. Click "Save".
11. Navigate back to your Ghost account and copy the generated Video Snippet.
12. Return to Shopify and navigate to Products and Select a Product
13. In the Description box, select Show HTML and paste in your Video Snippet
14. Click 'Save' and enjoy your Interactive Videos!